Virtual Knit Night

Virtual Knit Night February 8th

Like seriously! Where did this morning disappear to? I came in with a plan, and now half a day later it doesn’t seems to have moved at all. My favourite word for this feeling is discombobulated. Discombobulate kind of sounds like you feel when you’re disoriented: bouncing around in several directions at once – which is exactly what is happening around here today.

George blames the weather, he said as it is such a grey, damp and cold day it is difficult to find focus.
On the contrary to this, since I saw you guys last, the last month has for me been about organising, specifically getting order into my project pile. Actually, come to think about it, I’m feeling quite ‘homey’ these days. So for our virtual tonight I’ve decided to tune in from home, on my sofa under a blanket.

Hope to see you there!

Virtual Knit Night

The details are the same as always, we are on from 7pm to 8.30pm UK time, you’ll find the link to join at the bottom of this post, and you can drop in at any point. If you are joining us for the first time, read more about Zoom and how it works in the first post we did about the virtual knit nights right here.

Our next virtual knit night will be Thursday March 8th 2024.

This is the link: Knit With Attitude Virtual Knit Night Thursday February 8th

Until tonight my friends …


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