You are invited – Virtual Knit Night

Here at Knit with attitude we are very aware the need for community, support and friendship in these challenging times of isolation, we still need ‘to see’ each other and keep in touch with our local friends as well as those from far away. We are currently working on virtual alternatives trying to find suitable solutions, and one of the immediate results you’ll see is an increased activity here on the blog. Also stay tuned and keep an eye on our social media channels – as we will use those for the latest updates and information about our virtual social gatherings!

Speaking of… Today, after all, is the third Thursday of the month, it is KNIT NIGHT! Tonight we making an attempt to create a virtual space for our usual monthly knit nights, 7-8.30pm UK time.

To join you need to click the first link at the end of this post at 7pm Thursday evening,  if you’re not a user of this will prompt you to download the app to your computer and then add you to our knit night. Using Zoom like this has proven to be successful for similar virtual events like ours and it is safe.

Zoom is a video chat program often used for virtual meetings and conferences, allowing us all to see and talk to each other, it is easy, well known and has a good reputation. When considering different platforms Zoom came up as one already favoured by yarn enthusiasts, and we think it can work for us. If you have a minute or two head over to Zoom to get set up now, at 7pm all you have to do, is to click the links below and you’ll be added to the knit night automatically.

Zoom is free to use, but as hosts we are thinking about upgrading to a pro-account. At the moment, while testing and using the free account, our meetings are limited to 40 minutes. This is why you will find two links below, the first inviting you to part 1 starting at 7pm, when this comes to an end at 7.40pm, we’ll all just move over to the part 2 scheduled at 7.45pm and continue there.

I can’t wait to see who will log in with us tonight, it just occurred to me that not only is this a great way to continue the wonderful social spirit we normally enjoy together at our knit nights in the shop, but this is actually a way to reach out to our friends further afield as well! How great is that! My chosen project for tonight is my DK version of the Stay Soft Shawl by Veera Välimäki which I’m doing in Hillesvåg’s Tinde. The yarn is so hearty and the garter so squishy and thick, it will be humongous when finished, such a comforting project. Until tonight my friends …

KWA Knit Night Part 1 – March 19th at 7pm

KWA Knit Night Part 2 – March 19th at 7.45pm


6 responses to “You are invited – Virtual Knit Night”

  1. Sangeeta Gardiner avatar
    Sangeeta Gardiner

    I’m sorry that I missed this. Please could you let me know when the next one is running. Thanks

    1. MayaB avatar

      We haven’t set a day as of yet, but it was such a great knit night we’ll definitely do it again real soon. Keep an eye on our social media and here on the blog for the latest news. 🙂

  2. Jane Langley avatar
    Jane Langley

    Hi there

    I was unable to find the Zoom code or password. Please can you publish these in an email. I would love to join the next meeting.

    Be well.

    1. MayaB avatar

      Hi Jane

      There is no code or password required to join our socials.
      The zoom link is published on the individual Thursdays’ blog post.

      The last sentence where it says ‘KWA Virtual Knit Night followed by the date”, is the link.

      We hope to see you there.

      Have a lovely Monday,

  3. Miranda van Tuel avatar
    Miranda van Tuel

    Is there still knit night? I would like to join from Sweden.

    1. George Cullen avatar
      George Cullen

      Hi Miranda, the Virtual Knit Nights usually happen on the evening of the second Thursday of each month. If you check the blog on those days there will be a link to the zoom meeting.

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