Knit Night

Virtual Knit Night January 11th

With the last virtual before Christmas cancelled, it feels like we haven’t seen each other in like ‘forever’. Admittedly, running a yarn shop at that time of year is incredibly stressful, a lot of fun, but very hectic. BUT then comes calm and ease, when you finally find yourself on the sofa with days off to properly indulge in your knitting. And this is me, every year I plan for a project that has nothing to do with the shop, something that is solely for me, to wear myself and to sink my teeth and passion into over the holiday.

This year my project truly delivered and I am completely obsessed, I might be a slow knitter, but this one absolutely has me going ‘just one more round …’ and I can’t wait to show it off tonight, I’m also ridiculously excited to see what you guys have been up to, so I hope you’ll join me!

Knit Night

The details are the same as always, we are on from 7pm to 8.30pm UK time, you’ll find the link to join at the bottom of this post, and you can drop in at any point. If you are joining us for the first time, read more about Zoom and how it works in the first post we did about the virtual knit nights right here.

Our next virtual knit night will be Thursday February 8th 2023.

This is the link: Knit With Attitude Virtual Knit Night Thursday January 11th

Until tonight my friends …


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