Today is a joyous day! This morning I became one of the 25 millions of the UK adult population that have received their first dose of the vaccine, and let me tell you the relief is real! It really feels like the beginning of the end of this very very long year. I don’t feel any uncomfortable side effects like a sore arm, shivers or fevers, but I just woke up from the heaviest of sleeps, and I’m really just ready to crawl back under the duvet as I am incredibly tired – but that’s about it.
It truly is a happy day, and this is why I also know you’ll all share the joy with me and welcome the bestest George as your host tonight. Once more he has offered to step in and make sure the knit night goes ahead. So while you are talking stitches and projects, I’ll be having the sweetest dreams – and I promise to be back for full steam next week.

The details are the same as always, we are on from 7pm to 8.30pm UK time, you’ll find the link to join at the bottom of this post, and you can drop in at any point. If you are joining us for the first time, read more about Zoom and how it works in the first post we did about the virtual knit nights right here.
Until tonight my friends …
This is the link: KWA Virtual Knit Night Thursday March 18th
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