I am a cardigan, sweater and shawl knitter. I’m definitely a big projects girl! But lately I’ve had this craving for smaller, quicker maybe, and more manageable projects. This might have to do with us experiencing the coldest winter in London for more than 10 years – and you know cold fingers and toes … as knitters there are easy solutions. I’m so joining the iKnit7 Hilja Mitts KAL (can’t wait to get a taster of that Roosimine technique!) BUT, for tonight, tell me are any of you guys working on socks? More specifically the thick for boots kind of style? If so, I’d love to see your project this evening. I’m on a hunt!

The details are the same as always, we are on from 7pm to 8.30pm UK time, you’ll find the link to join at the bottom of this post, and you can drop in at any point. If you are joining us for the first time, read more about Zoom and how it works in the first post we did about the virtual knit nights right here.
Until tonight my friends …
This is the link: KWA Virtual Knit Night Thursday February 11th
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