Hoopla Hey!

Rarely do I get as excited as I am about this new yarn. Hooplayarn has been on my shop wish list for a long time, and finally I have them in stock.


The definition of upcycling is ‘the process of converting waste materials or useless products into new materials or products of better quality or a higher environmental value’. Hooplayarn is an upcycled, eco-friendly product made of selvedge from the thriving textile industry. These 1 cm wide strips of fabric are wound onto cones for easy knitting or crochet. Each cone weighs approximately 500g. Due to the thickness of the yarn it grows at an amazing speed. This makes it perfect for you if you are new to crochet or knitting because you will see almost instant results, and it also lends itself perfectly to using crochet or knitting as a hand exercise! Its a workout your hands have never tried before! You really won’t believe how quickly projects can be finished, and more importantly how much you get from just one bobbin. I just couldn’t help myself and had to get some for me to bring home last night. This is how far I got in one evening, and as you can see I haven’t even used one whole cone yet. I’m making a pouf, and will make sure to publish the pattern as soon as it is completed.


Speaking about patterns, there isn’t much pattern support for this type of yarns yet, due to it’s popularity I guess most people would just get started freehand and then see what comes out of it. I did a quick search and managed to find a few examples though, and if this doesn’t inspire you I don’t know what will…
A couple of these pattern are in Norwegian though, but the projects themselves should be fairly simple, so if you don’t speak Norwegian, try Google Translate or just try to reconstruct the design by looking at the pictures. You can use Hooplayarn for all of these projects.


4 responses to “Hoopla Hey!”

  1. Sylvia avatar

    Dette garnet har vært populært i Norge etpar år. Men jeg har ikke hatt det i butikken…..
    Jeg tenkte automatisk på picles…..gulvteppe eller puff.
    Dethjelper å ha en modell og en oppskrift….men det må være enkelt, slik at motet ikke forsvinner før de får begynt.
    Godhelg, Maya.

  2. Elisabeth avatar

    Morsomt garn! Det har vært forskjellige typer av slikt garn her hjemme en stund, og det er populært med puffer og slikt 🙂
    Jeg og familien skal til London 4. – 9. august. Håper å komme meg til butikken din, men jeg finner neppe fram. Har litt angst for offentlig transport på ukjente steder 🙂

    1. MayaB avatar

      Hei Elisabeth, så utrolig fint at du fant fram til nybloggen også!!! Jeg er på ferie i beynnelsen av august også, så jeg er ikke i butikken. Hvis du forteller meg hvor dere kommer til å være i London, så kan jeg alltids prøve å gi deg en nøyaktig veibeskrivelse, men kanskje du heller vil komme på besøk en gang jeg jobber, sånn at vi endelig kan treffes. 🙂

      1. Elisabeth avatar

        Jepp, venter til du er der en gang. Morsomt å treffes når jeg først er der. Må vel bli flere Londonturer med årene 🙂

        Boka jeg har lest heter “The Journal of Dora Damage”. Skrevet av Belinda Starling. Du finner den helt sikkert!

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