All Change Please

In the last few newsletters I’ve told you the story of how Knit with attitude came to be, and I’ve teased and dropped hints about big changes ahead – I guess it is time to reveal what our next chapter will look like.⁠ I’m feeling rather bittersweet today as we announce some exciting news at Knit With Attitude, but it’s not without a little heartache too.

Knit With Attitude is growing!! And soon we’ll be taking over the whole shop space on Stoke Newington High Street that we currently share with the best partner in crime we could ever have asked for: Jess and Of Cabbages & Kings

Sharing the shop premises with Jess and her business for the last 10 years has enabled both of our shops to grow and flourish and weather those harder times as well. We’ve shared the practical things like the rent, the utilities, the business rates, the staff and also those less tangible things like our hopes and dreams for our businesses.

With all the support we’ve been able to give to each other, it’s no wonder then that we’ve finally got to the point where we’ve outgrown our space together and need to go our separate ways to make sure that both of our businesses can continue to grow and thrive in the future. Earlier this year Jess made the decision to move both herself and Of Cabbages & Kings to the maker-mecca that is Frome (watch out Somerset!) which inevitably has meant that we would have more space to expand Knit With Attitude.

Double the space means double the yarn and double the joy! But it also means more space for activities, events and workshops. The shop has always been a creative hub in the heart of Stoke Newington and our dedication to the community will only continue.

We are seizing this opportunity with both hands to grow and focus on the core values of Knit With Attitude. First and foremost we are a contemporary, welcoming yarn shop with attitude. Knit With Attitude is passionate about and believes strongly in the power of making to help create a better world. Every single yarn offered in the shop holds an ethical ethos: workers’ rights, sustainability, social communities, and more – we love telling you about the positive and encouraging stories behind them all.

While we will miss Jess and Of Cabbages & Kings immensely I am excited for her new chapter as we embrace ours. Knit With Attitude will continue to be a welcoming place open for all where you will find engaging conversations, the support you need, and laughter! 

Things will be moving very quickly in the shop over the next few weeks but in the meantime make a plan to join us on Saturday, October 8th to send Jess off with fizz and a proper celebration, and then a week later on October 15th when we formally relaunch the shop in it’s new configuration! For our non-local online friends, of course we have celebrations lined up for you as well, so watch this space!



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