Knit with attitude’s Insane Give Away

If you have followed our social media platforms lately you might have noticed that we have been hosting a give away over the last ten days – and it is now time to reveal the winners!

First of all though, we really would like to thank you all for participating, we are absolutely overwhelmed by the response we’ve had and we hope that most of you will choose to continue to stay with us and be the firsts to know about what goes on here in our tiny corner of the yarn universe! If you didn’t win this time around, be assured that this was so much fun that we will definitely do more give aways in the future.

So, did you win? Scroll down to see if you can find your name amongst the lucky ten. If you see your name listed, please send us an email to sales at knitwithattitude dot com, and we will have your prize sent to you asap.


Winners: Sabine Lormann and @limsenstrikk


Winners: @knitbykristine and Heather Barnett


Winners: Mandy Wong and @finishwife


Winners: @morgan_fae, @prettyfunkyknitter, Bjørg Anita Getz Nordli and Riikka Copeland

Congratulations to all our winners, and once again – THANK YOU ALL for joining in on the fun!


2 responses to “Knit with attitude’s Insane Give Away”

  1. Cheryl SLamka avatar

    Hello, I counted five winners, but I thought it was supossed to be 10??

    1. MayaB avatar

      Hi Cheryl
      There are ten names listed, one for each prize. Maya x

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