What about learning something new?

After hibernating trough the winter and the last cold spells, where all you want to do in cuddle up at home preferably under a nice cosy blanket, it is refreshing to finally feel that the energy level is rising. As the days grow longer and brighter I definitely feel more energetic. It is easier to find that initiative to get active, get across that front door threshold, and my old friend; Ms I-Want-To-Try-Something-I-Haven’t-Done-Before is finally revisiting.

If you’re anything like me, why not exploit this newfound energy to learn something new? Make your own Granny Square blanket, or dip your toe into some proper sock knitting! By the way, did I mention that Knit with attitude’s Spring Schedule is LIVE? Now, what’s listed in the schedule is far from all that’s happening this spring, oh no, you’re up for some proper treats! We’ll add more events as we go along – and yes, there will be a few of those intriguing and inspiring master classes I know some of you love so much! So keep checking in to keep updated, and don’t forget; next knit night is coming up February 19th!

Top Down Socks


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