Once more, we’re having a give away!

I’m feeling rather festive, and have decided to run a give away on the blog. And this time the prize is rather amazing, I am giving away a goody bag filled with lovely woolliness worth nothing less than £50, and that is a lot of wool people! So to get your name in ‘the hat’ this is what you have to do: Spread the word! I’ve come up with several ways to do this, and you can choose to do one or more of the following.

Twitter – Tweet about the give away, and remember to include a link to the blog. (I am @MayaKnits by the way) This will earn you one entry to the draw.

Facebook – Post about the give away, and remember to include a link to the blog. This will earn you one entry to the draw.

Blogging – Write a little something about Knit with attitude and our give away, and again, remember to include a link to the blog. This will give you two entries to the draw.

Finally, comment on this blog post to let me know what you have done. Remember to include your twitter name, facebook name and/or blog address, so that I can check your entries.

We’ll do the draw Wednesday November 20th, and the winner will be announced here on the blog.
HURRAY! Now go on and spread the word!!!

Please note, this picture is used as illustration and does not necessarily reflect the content of the goody bag.
Please note, this picture is used as illustration and does not necessarily reflect the content of the goody bag.


65 responses to “Once more, we’re having a give away!”

  1. Sarah Mills avatar
    Sarah Mills

    2 entries via Twitter (@dolphinsezzy) and Facebook (facebook.com/dolphinsezzy) xox

    1. MayaB avatar

      2 entries in the hat for you! 🙂

  2. Lis nielsen avatar
    Lis nielsen

    Hi, I shared your Facebook post on my Facebook wall.

    1. MayaB avatar

      One entry in the hat for you! 🙂

  3. Victoria avatar

    Done! (twitter name above) Keeping fingers crossed 😀

    1. MayaB avatar

      Hi Victoria, one entry in the hat for you. 🙂

  4. Valerie Baudry avatar
    Valerie Baudry

    Knit with Attitude, so right and generous. Liked and shared the give away on Facebook!

    1. MayaB avatar

      Hi Valerie, and thank you! One entry in the hat for you! 🙂

      1. Valerie baudry avatar
        Valerie baudry

        Thanks! May the luckiest win!
        Is it still your little helper drawing the names?
        Really I mean it, to me you are the best shop, I just wish I could knit faster and that money grew in trees!
        Thanks for giving us the opportunity to have some of your precious stock.

        1. MayaB avatar

          Hahaha, Valerie, I was actually thinking to let the even smaller helper do it this time. Big one has become so ‘grown up’ that I’m afraid she wont bother even if I asked. Thank you so much for those lovely words, it really makes my day hearing that people are happy with what I do.

  5. Aarti O'Leary avatar
    Aarti O’Leary

    HI, my name is Aarti O’Leary and I’ve just posted about the giveaway on Facebook. My FB name is also Aarti O’Leary. Cheers.

    1. MayaB avatar

      Hi Aarti. Thank you for joining in, one entry for you in the hat! 🙂

  6. Helen W avatar
    Helen W

    Shared twice on Facebook 🙂

    1. MayaB avatar

      Two entries for you then! 🙂

  7. Clare Banks avatar

    Wow what a great giveaway have shared on my FaceBook ‘Clare Banks’ and also over on my blog http://summerhousebythesea.blogspot.co.uk/2013/11/crocheted-poppy.html
    Clare x

    1. MayaB avatar

      That gives you three entries Clare, thank you for joining in! 🙂

  8. JessCat avatar

    A share on Facebook! So many of my friends all over the UK now follow your shop through facebook, gives me a big smile. Waves to Sarah Mills and Clare Banks above.

    1. MayaB avatar

      Naw…thank you Jess for helping me get noticed! One entry in the hat for you! 🙂

  9. Sylvia avatar

    Her var det plutselig veldig livlig, Maya.
    Jeg tar tre lodd jeg, da….. Et nå, og så løper jeg tilbake til bloggen min for å fortelle alle om deg og den fine bloggen din 🙂

    1. MayaB avatar

      Jepp, nå ble det endelig litt action! Tre lodd i hatten til deg! 🙂

  10. Janet avatar

    Shared on Facebook

    1. MayaB avatar

      That’s one entry for you! 🙂

  11. cathysunshine avatar

    Love your blog and hope to be able to visit your shop soon! Liked and shared on Facebook.

    1. MayaB avatar

      Thanks Cathy! One entry in the hat for you.

  12. Rachel Herron avatar
    Rachel Herron

    I’ve spread the word using Facebook 🙂

    1. MayaB avatar

      Thank you Rachel, that’s one entry for you. 🙂

  13. Yael Smith avatar
    Yael Smith

    Posting a link on Facebook. I’m Yael Smith on there, too!
    Fingers crossed!

    1. MayaB avatar

      Thanks Yael, one entry for you!

  14. Sarah Barrow avatar
    Sarah Barrow

    I’ve shared your link on facebook for your scrummy yarn competition 🙂

    1. MayaB avatar

      Thank you. One entry in the hat for you.

  15. Tara Blackwell avatar
    Tara Blackwell

    Yes please for this fab giveaway Maya! Could I be lucky for a second time! I hope so! Will share on FB too! xxxx

    1. MayaB avatar

      Well you never know Tara. Thank you for joining in, sharing on facebook gives you one entry. 🙂

  16. catriona Beveridge avatar
    catriona Beveridge

    I’ve shared on facebook and twitter!

    Catriona Beveridge

    1. MayaB avatar

      That gives you two entries Catriona. Thank you for joining in.

  17. Marie Biswell avatar

    Ooh lovely! I Twittered it or should I say I Tweeted it!

    1. MayaB avatar

      That gives you one entry Marie. 🙂

  18. Joyful avatar

    Lovely box of yarns.

    Will you post overseas to a winner or in UK only?

    1. MayaB avatar

      Well, Knit with attitude is a shop that ships world wide, and it wouldn’t be fair if we changed that condition when having a give away. If you win, we’ll send the prize to where you are, doesn’t matter where, except if you happen to be on the moon. 😉

  19. Lesley Bambridge avatar

    I have tweeted… @MrsBambi2
    shared on Facebook… Lesley Bambridge
    Posting on my blog

    Thank you for such a generous giveaway – someone is going to be a very happy bunny : )

    1. MayaB avatar

      Whoa Lesley, that is the max amount of entries in the hat for you; four! Thanks for participating! 🙂

  20. Quinn avatar

    Shared on twitter 🙂 What a great giveaway – thanks!

    1. MayaB avatar

      One entry for you Quinn.

  21. Anne Camilla avatar

    Just sharde the link on my Facebook wall (I think?) + on the schools FB knitting group. I want yarn!!! LOL

    1. MayaB avatar

      Well that is two entries in the hat for you sweetheart!

  22. Vigdis Alice Angell avatar
    Vigdis Alice Angell

    Har delt på facebook, selv om jeg ikke er noen strikker av rang, så har jeg flere venner som er det 😉

    1. MayaB avatar

      Da blir det ett ‘lodd’ i hatten for deg Vigdis!

  23. Annie @ knitsofacto avatar

    Tweeted (@knitsofacto) and posted on facebook (knitsofacto).

    Lovely giveaway, thank you for the chance of winning yarn!

    1. MayaB avatar

      Thank you for participating! Two entries in the hat for you.

  24. Karen Dubrinsky avatar
    Karen Dubrinsky

    I shared knitsofacto’s post about your giveaway on Facebook! Thanks for offering such a fun prize!

    Karen 🙂

    1. MayaB avatar

      One entry for you then. 🙂

  25. Hege Sørhus avatar
    Hege Sørhus

    Hadde vært kjekt å vinna! Would be lovely to win <3
    Have posten on Facebook 😉

    1. MayaB avatar

      Hei Hege. Da blir det ett ‘lodd’ til deg.

  26. Anne avatar

    Shared on facebook.. maybe you’ll get a last minute surge. 🙂


    (Pick me, pick me)

    1. MayaB avatar

      One entry in the hat for you. 🙂

  27. Melanie Burnside avatar
    Melanie Burnside

    Have shared on Facebook and twitter, @Lemanie9, thanks for the chance to win. Mel

    1. MayaB avatar

      Two entries in the hat for you Melanie.

  28. Laura Davis avatar

    Facebook posted! Please enter me! Xxx

    1. MayaB avatar

      One entry for you in the hat Laura. 🙂

  29. Andrea avatar

    I have shared on FB

    1. MayaB avatar

      One entry for you.

  30. Diane Hall avatar
    Diane Hall

    Shared on Facebook (as Diane Hall)

    1. MayaB avatar

      One entry for you.

  31. Matt Hall avatar
    Matt Hall

    Shared the link on facebook

    1. MayaB avatar

      One entry for you Matt.

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